Adobe Flash Player 10.3 disponible para Windows, Mac OS, Linux y Android

Adobe ha finalizado la versión 10.3 de Adobe Flash Player y ya está disponible para las principales plataformas Windows, Mac OS X, Linux y también está disponible para Android, incluso Android 3.1 recientemente anunciado en la Google I/O. La lista de mejoras y novedades luego del corte.

This updated release fixes eleven security issues and brings the following goodies:

– Media Measurement (desktop only) – using Adobe SiteCatalyst with Flash Player 10.3, developers can implement video analytics for websites with as little as two lines of code.

– Acoustic Echo Cancellation (desktop only) – developers can take advantage of acoustic echo cancellation, noise suppression, voice activity detection, and automatic compensation for various microphone input levels and deliver a higher-quality real-time online collaboration experience.

– Integration with browser privacy controls for managing local storage (desktop only) – Flash Player 10.3 integrates control of local storage with the browser’s privacy settings in Mozilla Firefox 4, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 and higher, Google Chrome 11 (Available in Chrome Dev Channel), and a future release of Apple Safari.

– Native Control Panel (desktop only) – provides users with streamlined controls for managing their Flash Player privacy, security and storage settings.

– Auto-Update notification for Mac OS

Android-related fixes:

Enabled NEON optimizations for OMAP4 (Cortex A-9) based devices.

Corrected an issue on the Samsung Galaxy S where H.264 video at resolutions of 720p and below was not displayed.

Android Apps using Browser Plug-ins like Flash Player in WebView no longer need to set android:hardwareAcceleration to True in their AndroidMainfest.xml for plug-in output to be rendered.

Fixed a crash on the HTC EVO that some users encountered with specific video.

Fixed an issue that caused video frames to stop rendering on long streaming videos (> 1 hour) on some Motorola devices.

Descarga: Adobe Flash Player 10.3


Adobe Flash Player 10.3 disponible para PC y Android

Adobe ha finalizado la versión 10.3 de Adobe Flash Player y ya está disponible para las principales plataformas Windows, Mac OS X, Linux y también está disponible para Android, incluso Android 3.1 recientemente anunciado en la Google I/O.


Descarga: Adobe Flash Player 10.3

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1 Comment

PotatoMine 13 mayo, 2011 - 16:01

Native Control Panel (desktop only) – provides users with streamlined controls for managing their Flash Player privacy, security and storage settings.

Es es la respuesta a mi duda, ya me preguntaba porque tenía ese icono en el panel de control.


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